//induction script " You are sitting comfortably in your chair, with your head straight and hands resting on your thighs. Take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax with each exhale. As you breathe deeply, focus your gaze upwards towards the ceiling. You don't need to strain your eyes - just a gentle, relaxed upward gaze. With each breath, imagine any tension leaving your body through the soles of your feet. Now bring your awareness to the sounds around you. Allow these sounds to fade into the background as you turn your focus inward. Feel the steady rise and fall of your chest with each breath. Imagine a wave of relaxation washing over you with the inhale, and tension melting away on the exhale. With each cycle of breath, you slip deeper into a calm, peaceful state. Your eyelids may start to feel heavier, almost pulling downwards towards peaceful closure. You could allow them to gently close whenever you feel ready. But for now, keep gazing softly upwards, anchoring your consciousness. Visualize your mind as a still lake, with any thoughts gently drifting across the surface before dissipating into the calm waters. Your breath is the only ripple, a soft undulation spreading peace through your being. You are completely relaxed yet remain anchored in pleasant waking consciousness through your upward gaze. In this state, you are open and receptive to positive suggestions that will serve you. Any words I say that are in harmony with your goals will be easily accepted by your subconscious mind. As the induction continues, you will drift deeper into a trance-like focus while remaining pleasantly aware. From this state, you can effectively overcome patterns of procrastination and replace them with productive motivation that moves you towards your aims. Your mind is crystalline, focused, able to visualize your goals with perfect clarity. You feel an inner motivation and drive to take action on the tasks before you without hesitation or delay..." //post-hypnotic suggestion " You choose to be free from the chains of procrastination. It is time to liberate yourself from the compulsion to delay tasks and responsibilities. Through the power of your mind, you reprogram yourself to dissolve the habit of procrastination so that you can be more productive, accomplished and proud. Like any addiction, the more you procrastinated, the less fulfillment it brought you. You felt guilty and ashamed, so you kept making excuses. Procrastination had become a way to avoid discomfort or boredom, rather than embracing challenges. Sometimes when you felt overwhelmed or anxious, you procrastinated to escape those feelings temporarily. But afterwards, you felt emptier and more dissatisfied with yourself. Ultimately, procrastination does not make you feel good. You recognize that procrastination is deceptive. It appears to offer relief but actually deprives you of productivity, growth and self-respect. The fleeting distraction is never as rewarding as accomplishing goals through your effort. Procrastinating is like being trapped. You stayed stuck because you didn't realize how liberated and capable you could feel. Others remain procrastinators because they don't accept that they deserve to chase their ambitions confidently. But you know you can cultivate discipline and thrive on challenge. You believe you deserve to be proud of your consistent efforts in areas meaningful to you. You dedicate yourself here and now to develop the skills and habits to start tasks without delay. You invest your energy into feeling intrinsically motivated by the work itself and its importance to you. There is no substitute for the fulfillment of diligent effort. You direct your subconscious to disregard procrastination's empty promises, so you never feel that shame again. You divorce yourself from delaying tactics, and it feels wonderful. Imagine getting stuck in a cycle of procrastination. As you continually put things off, you envision someone you profoundly admire standing beside you, seeing your lack of discipline. Their disappointment in you is clear. (Pause to visualize this deeply) You see the surprise and dismay on their face. Any perceived benefit of delaying important tasks dissolves. You immediately turn towards the work, refocused, and that respected person smiles with approval and renewed faith in you. You recall that accomplishing goals through your effort is deeply gratifying. There are worthwhile aims you want to pursue. People you want to make proud. A better life you want to create for yourself. Therefore, procrastination no longer belongs. Anytime you consider procrastinating, bring that face to mind and speak their name aloud. You'll be filled with determination to apply yourself. You instantly recall your commitment to consistently working towards what matters most. Now imagine walking down a sidewalk towards a warm, well-lit home representing your capability and drive. However, along the way, shady figures beckon you into darker corners to procrastinate, making empty promises of an easier time. You think of your respected friend and say their name out loud. Suddenly, those distracting voices seem foolish and hollow. You walk confidently towards that inviting home, invigorated by a sense of your own persistence. As you bypass each temptation to delay, you feel very proud. Entering that warm home, you're greeted by the anticipation of rewarding, meaningful efforts and steadily checking tasks off your list. With every passing day, the urge to procrastinate fades until it is a distant impulse you easily ignore. You can picture yourself a year from now, disciplined and accomplished, unable to fully recall why you ever postponed important things. You have so much drive and focus now that procrastination is behind you. There is purposeful work to do. It is immensely satisfying to be free from procrastination's shackles forever." //wake-up script " You will emerge gently and easily from hypnosis now by counting out loud from one to five. With each number, you emerge twenty percent. When you reach the number five, you will return to everyday awareness. One... emerging twenty percent, beginning to awaken from hypnosis now. Two... forty percent now, as you become fully aware of your body and environment. Three... sixty percent... you look forward to the positive results from the hypnosis session. Four... eighty percent, emerging peaceful and happy. FIVE... FIVE... FIVE... One hundred percent now! Wide awake and fully alert!!!"